Our mission statement is straightforward:
Affecting Change International works to mobilize individuals, the faith-based community, local governmental leadership, and non-governmental organizations to improve the physical, emotional, and economic conditions of those in need. In partnership, we assist developing communities through asset-based development programs around the world.
We have utilized a number of solutions through the years to accomplish this mission. The most effective solution has been Project Transformation.
Project: Transformation is the name we give to the process by which we equip church planters or pastors to lead the church to be an agent of transformation implementing asset-based development within the larger community as well as within their own church family. The church leader leads the church to foster relationships that result in empowered followers of Jesus Christ who embrace community transformation as God’s purpose for the church in a particular village, community, or city.
ACI believes the indigenous local church as the effective agent of long term sustainable transformation. For far too long, the church has relinquished to governments and non-government organizations (NGOs) her responsibility and opportunity for community transformation.
Transformational development
ACI is committed to what is best described as holistic mission. This is in contrast to the common practice throughout the world of distinguishing preaching from social action, separating church ministry from community transformation. UTN’s calling is to equip and encourage church leaders to initiate living, thriving, prophetic communities of faith that embody the Good News of God’s mission in words, deed, and character in their own specific contexts. Transformation results when we implement asset-based development that focuses on what people have rather than what they do not have.
An additional solution we designed to help achieve our mission is the LifeBox Container. These containers serve as an infrastructure to both empower and equip communities to success. For more information, email [email protected]
Underdeveloped and underserved communities are plagued by diseases related to water and lack of sanitation, HIV/AIDS, infant mortality, lack of medical care, and no education (among other things). ACI exists to combat these issues with the community, making sure they are self reliant and self sustainable.
Affecting Change International works to mobilize individuals, the faith-based community, local governmental leadership, and non-governmental organizations to improve the physical, emotional, and economic conditions of those in need. In partnership, we assist developing communities through asset-based development programs around the world.
We have utilized a number of solutions through the years to accomplish this mission. The most effective solution has been Project Transformation.
Project: Transformation is the name we give to the process by which we equip church planters or pastors to lead the church to be an agent of transformation implementing asset-based development within the larger community as well as within their own church family. The church leader leads the church to foster relationships that result in empowered followers of Jesus Christ who embrace community transformation as God’s purpose for the church in a particular village, community, or city.
ACI believes the indigenous local church as the effective agent of long term sustainable transformation. For far too long, the church has relinquished to governments and non-government organizations (NGOs) her responsibility and opportunity for community transformation.
Transformational development
ACI is committed to what is best described as holistic mission. This is in contrast to the common practice throughout the world of distinguishing preaching from social action, separating church ministry from community transformation. UTN’s calling is to equip and encourage church leaders to initiate living, thriving, prophetic communities of faith that embody the Good News of God’s mission in words, deed, and character in their own specific contexts. Transformation results when we implement asset-based development that focuses on what people have rather than what they do not have.
An additional solution we designed to help achieve our mission is the LifeBox Container. These containers serve as an infrastructure to both empower and equip communities to success. For more information, email [email protected]
Underdeveloped and underserved communities are plagued by diseases related to water and lack of sanitation, HIV/AIDS, infant mortality, lack of medical care, and no education (among other things). ACI exists to combat these issues with the community, making sure they are self reliant and self sustainable.